[mobileorg-android] Agenda views of MobileOrg : change of week
2015-10-08 12:21:57 UTC
On my smartphone, when I open MobileOrg, I am presented the "Agenda Views".
When I clck on them, I am offered in particular the "Week-agenda W29".
Unfortunately, W29 is a july week whereas we are now in october.
Is there any ways to make the Agenda views change of week ?
On emacs, there are keyboard shorcuts for this, but how to do on android ?
It is currently stuck to this week and does not seem to rely on the current date.
Re-export the data (org-mobile-push) from emacs, and then resync from
mobile org. mobile org is a viewer and can make some changes, but it
is not a full-blown org implementation.
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2015-10-08 12:27:01 UTC
From: mobileorg-android <mobileorg-***@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [mobileorg-android] Agenda views of MobileOrg : change of week
To: mobileorg-android+***@googlegroups.com
Cc: mobileorg-android <mobileorg-***@googlegroups.com>
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 08:21:57 -0400 (3 minutes, 49 seconds ago)
Reply-To: mobileorg-android <mobileorg-***@googlegroups.com>

What's up with this list? The from header is goofy; reply-to is bad
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mobileorg-android on behalf of Eric Fraga
2015-10-08 17:38:18 UTC
Post by mobileorg-android
What's up with this list? The from header is goofy; reply-to is bad
Because it's a Google group... not meant to be read via email basically
although it seems quite a few of us do. :-)
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.2-161-gd2ac25
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2015-10-08 21:03:17 UTC
mobileorg-android on behalf of Eric Fraga
Post by mobileorg-android on behalf of Eric Fraga
Post by mobileorg-android
What's up with this list? The from header is goofy; reply-to is bad
Because it's a Google group... not meant to be read via email basically
although it seems quite a few of us do. :-)
Sure, but it just got suddenly worse. The mail I sent didn't even have
my name on it, let alone email address.
Perhaps a new home at a free-software charity is in order :-)
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